Many modern mobile keyboards offer an option to autocomplete a word or a phrase the user started typing, in order to save keystrokes. These days they usually use a recurrent neural network (RNN) model to make predictions; while this approach provides better accuracy, an RNN is computationally expensive to train and requires a lot of training data.
In this notebook, I create a model with 9.5 million ngrams that
This project was initially done as the capstone for Johns Hopkins university Data Science specialization. The author thanks SwiftKey for providing the data set.
The data came as a set of .txt files harvested from Twitter, news and blog websites, all in English language.'data/en_US/en_US.blogs.txt', 'data/en_US/', 'data/en_US/en_US.twitter.txt')[1]
## size
## data/en_US/en_US.blogs.txt 210160014
## data/en_US/ 205811885
## data/en_US/en_US.twitter.txt 167105338
With files ranging from 159 to 200 MB in size, or from 900 thousand to 2.3 million lines each, it makes sense to use a small sample for the exploratory analysis, before training the model on a full data set. The code for createSample()
function is listed in the Appendix (as well as other helper functions). Here the calls are not evaluated as I already have the sample files.
# Create ~50,000 line train samples for each of the en_US original files
createSample('./data/en_US/en_US.twitter.txt', './data/en_US/sample.twitter.txt')
createSample('./data/en_US/en_US.blogs.txt', './data/en_US/sample.blogs.txt')
createSample('./data/en_US/', './data/en_US/')'./data/en_US/sample.blogs.txt', './data/en_US/', './data/en_US/sample.twitter.txt')[1]
## size
## ./data/en_US/sample.blogs.txt 11234872
## ./data/en_US/ 9616921
## ./data/en_US/sample.twitter.txt 3455372
Now file sizes are between 3 and 10 MB which is more manageable. For further processing the following libraries will be needed:
library(ggplot2) # plotting
library(scales) # labels for plotting
library(wordcloud) # plotting word clouds
library(quanteda) # text mining
library(dplyr) # data processing
library(data.table) # data storage and search optimization
Just a glimpse of what the first few lines in the Twitter sample look like:
readLines('./data/en_US/sample.twitter.txt', n=5)
## [1] "SDG&E LED Holiday Light Exchange Brings Energy Savings to Balboa Park, Chula ... - MarketWatch (press release) SDG&E LED Holiday Ligh"
## [2] "Manners. .MF. do you have those?"
## [3] "Also Welcome new followers"
## [4] "I need driver anger management"
## [5] "Ready for valentines day! wonder who my first kiss will be?"
It would be convenient to work with a series of words, all lowercase, without punctuation marks and without any weird symbols in it. For that ends, I will use quanteda corpus object split into one-sentence documents that is further tokenized into separate words. The rationale is that it is separate words the system will predict, and they will be predicted within a sentence context.
All these tasks are done by two helper functions: files2sentences()
and str2tokens()
. See Appendix for code.
train.corpus <- files2sentences(c('./data/en_US/sample.twitter.txt'
, './data/en_US/sample.blogs.txt'
, './data/en_US/'))
## Corpus consisting of 6 documents.
## text1.1 :
## "SDG&E LED Holiday Light Exchange Brings Energy Savings to Ba..."
## text2.1 :
## "Manners. ."
## text2.2 :
## "MF. do you have those?"
## text3.1 :
## "Also Welcome new followers"
## text4.1 :
## "I need driver anger management"
## text5.1 :
## "Ready for valentines day!"
train.tokens <- str2tokens(train.corpus)
## Tokens consisting of 6 documents.
## text1.1 :
## [1] "SDG" "E" "LED" "Holiday" "Light" "Exchange"
## [7] "Brings" "Energy" "Savings" "to" "Balboa" "Park"
## [ ... and 9 more ]
## text2.1 :
## [1] "Manners"
## text2.2 :
## [1] "MF" "do" "you" "have" "those"
## text3.1 :
## [1] "Also" "Welcome" "new" "followers"
## text4.1 :
## [1] "I" "need" "driver" "anger" "management"
## text5.1 :
## [1] "Ready" "for" "valentines" "day"
An ngram is simply a sequence of n words in a text. The simplest case is a unigram which is but a single word. Let’s build a frequency table for separate words and see how many of those are needed to cover 50%, 90%, 95% and 99% of all text.
words <- nFreq(1, train.tokens)
words$perc <- words$frequency / sum(words$frequency)
words$cumperc <- cumsum(words$perc)
cover <- vector(mode = 'integer')
cover["50"] <- min(which(words$cumperc>=.5))
cover["90"] <- min(which(words$cumperc>=.9))
cover["95"] <- min(which(words$cumperc>=.95))
cover["99"] <- min(which(words$cumperc>=.99))
ggplot(data=words, aes(x=as.integer(rownames(words)), y=cumperc)) +
geom_point(color='steelblue') +
labels = comma,
10, cover["50"], 1000, cover["90"], cover["95"], cover["99"]
minor_breaks = NULL
) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) +
labs(x='Words count (log scale)', y='Cumulative % covered') +
geom_hline(yintercept=.5) +
geom_hline(yintercept=.9) +
geom_hline(yintercept=.95) +
geom_hline(yintercept=.99) +
breaks = c(.25, .75, as.numeric(names(cover))/100),
labels = label_percent(accuracy = 1L),
minor_breaks = NULL
This is a plot of which % of the text can be covered by using a certain number of most frequent words. It follows a known theoretical distribution described by Zipf’s law. This fact is tangential to further analysis so I will not bother with proper statistical tests like a QQ plot to confirm this. The imporant takeaway is that
wordsBased on this, it looks reasonable to use top 20,000 words as a dictionary, which will cover a bit over 95% of all text. I initally tried to be more ambitious by using a 50,000 word dictionary that covered 98% of text, but the resulting model took almost 4 GB of RAM before pruning (more on that later), and was not even better in terms of accuracy.
dict20 <- words[1:20000]$feature
Unsurprisingly, English language consists mostly of function words like “the”, “to”, “and”, “a” etc, with a few personal pronouns and modal verbs sneaking into top-30 chart.
ggplot(data=words[1:30,], aes(x=reorder(feature, -perc), y=perc)) +
geom_bar(stat='identity', fill='chocolate3') +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) +
xlab('word') +
scale_y_continuous(name = '% of text', labels = label_percent(accuracy = 1L))
Now that we have a dictionary, it is time to build ngram frequency tables, that is, to understand how often not just single words, but more complex bigrams, trigrams etc are observed in the corpus.
ngrams <- lapply(1:6, nFreq, train.tokens) # Calculate raw ngram frequencies
MB <- round(object.size(ngrams)/2^20) # Size of all the tables in MB
count <- round(sum(sapply(ngrams, nrow))/10^6, 1) # Total number of ngrams in millions
head(ngrams[[3]]) # Top trigrams, as an example
## feature frequency
## 1 one of the 1500
## 2 a lot of 1268
## 3 to be a 740
## 4 out of the 725
## 5 the end of 692
## 6 going to be 683
As of now, the entire model takes 1951
MB in memory and contains 12.8
million different ngrams. Instead of plotting frequencies, I will show word clouds for uni-, bi- and trigrams on these tabs.
wordcloud(ngrams[[1]]$feature, ngrams[[1]]$frequency, max.words=200, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
wordcloud(ngrams[[2]]$feature, ngrams[[2]]$frequency, max.words=120, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
wordcloud(ngrams[[3]]$feature, ngrams[[3]]$frequency, max.words=50, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
In this section I will build a toy model, using only the sampled data (about 2% of the original data), evaluate it and make some predictions. Next section will be dedicated to building a full production model with the entire data set, which will require batch processing and a few hours on my laptop.
There are many ways of predicting the next word based on a known sequence of preceding words. If you google ngram language models, you will find many articles aimed at constructing a probabilistic model, that is, one that will produce a probability distribution of what the n-th word may be, given a preceding n-1 words:
P(Wn | W1W2..Wn-1)
I initially tried one of such fancy methonds called Katz backoff.
However, in order to actually predict the next word, one has to calculate predictions for all the words in the dictionary and choose the highest one. It can be optimized in several ways, e.g. keeping track of not-yet-calculated probability mass and stopping when it is lower than the highest already calculated probability. But even with optimization, this technique needed minutes to produce a prediction. It also required storing all the observed frequencies as integers, which was consuming a lot of memory.
My conclusion was that while probabilistic models are unavoidable when say building a text generation algorith (that will have to sample from a probability distribution), they are quite an overkill for predicting just a single next word.
I then resorted to a much simpler algorith called stupid backoff. When it was first suggested, it was called “stupid” because nobody believed it would actually work, but it turned out that with enough data it approaches Kneser-Ney smoothing performance.
My implementation is further simplified and works like this. Suppose we have ngram frequency tables from 1 to n and an input string split into tokens (separate words). Then
Now you can see that we do not even need to store the entire frequency tables! For each combination of (n-1) history words, we’re only interested in the top prediction. However, just to give user some options, we can store say top-3 predictions.
Ngrams we currently have are raw, that is, contain out-of-dictionary (OOD) words. The following code, using removeOOD()
helper function,
to data.table
# Steps 1-4: split ngrams into words, replace OOD words, recalculate frequencies, transform to data.table
ngrams <- lapply(ngrams, removeOOD, dict20)
# Step 5: set keys (all columns except the last one which is frequency)
ngrams <- lapply(ngrams, function(x)
setkeyv(x, colnames(x)[1:length(colnames(x))-1])
colnames(ngrams[[1]])[1] <- 'X1' # Fix column name for unigrams
MB <- round(object.size(ngrams)/2^20) # Size of all the tables in MB
count <- round(sum(sapply(ngrams, nrow))/10^6,1) # Total number of ngrams in millions
ngrams[[3]] # Top trigrams again
## X1 X2 X3 frequency
## 1: -d mission accomplished 1
## 2: -the boys were 1
## 3: -the classic diva 1
## 4: -the islamic worldview 1
## 5: -the jokes seth 1
## ---
## 2343628: <UNK> <UNK> zen 1
## 2343629: <UNK> <UNK> zero 1
## 2343630: <UNK> <UNK> zip 1
## 2343631: <UNK> <UNK> zone 1
## 2343632: <UNK> <UNK> zuma 2
You can see that ngrams are now sorted not by frequency descending, but alphabetically by their component words. That is because of setting the keys, it will help to find needed ngrams faster when making predictions based on full data set. See data.table vignette for details.
An update on the model size: now it takes 970
MB in memory and contains 11.7
million ngrams.
That’s it, this is basically my toy model. Before evaluating the model, and when building a production one on a full data set, I will keep only top-3 for each (n-1) history words combination, but for now I keep all the possible predictions just to show how it works.
function implements the algorithm described in the Stupid backoff section. The code, as always, is listed in the Appendix. Let’s use it to make some predictions and see where they come from (that is, what were the original ngrams with their frequencies that contributed to the prediction).
p <- list()
p[[1]] <- combined_predict("Don't", ngrams, dict20, verbose=TRUE)
p[[2]] <- combined_predict("Bill loves", ngrams, dict20, verbose=TRUE)
p[[3]] <- combined_predict("You shall not", ngrams, dict20, verbose=TRUE)
p[[4]] <- combined_predict("Never have I ever", ngrams, dict20, verbose=TRUE)
With verbose=TRUE
, combined_predict()
returns a list of two elements:
## [[1]]
## [1] "know" "have" "want"
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## X1 X2 frequency
## 1: don't know 470
## 2: don't have 390
## 3: don't want 291
## 4: don't think 284
## 5: don't like 140
## ---
## 480: don't witness 1
## 481: don't would 1
## 482: don't wreck 1
## 483: don't young 1
## 484: don't your 1
## [[2]][[2]]
## X1 frequency
## 1: the 209797
## 2: to 115046
## 3: and 108883
## 4: a 101389
## 5: of 90537
## ---
## 19996: zinc 9
## 19997: zine 9
## 19998: zipped 9
## 19999: zooming 9
## 20000: zumba 9
This is easy, there is a lot of bigrams starting with “don’t” so we just use top 3.
## [[1]]
## [1] "to" "you" "me"
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## X1 X2 frequency
## 1: loves to 42
## 2: loves you 30
## 3: loves me 20
## 4: loves the 14
## 5: loves it 10
## ---
## 112: loves watching 1
## 113: loves will 1
## 114: loves won 1
## 115: loves working 1
## 116: loves writing 1
## [[2]][[2]]
## X1 frequency
## 1: the 209797
## 2: to 115046
## 3: and 108883
## 4: a 101389
## 5: of 90537
## ---
## 19996: zinc 9
## 19997: zine 9
## 19998: zipped 9
## 19999: zooming 9
## 20000: zumba 9
Apparently there is no trigrams starting with exactly “Bill loves”, so the system backs off to bigrams and select top 3 from the many starting with “loves”.
## [[1]]
## [1] "go" "be" "resist"
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## X1 X2 X3 X4 frequency
## 1: you shall not go 1
## [[2]][[2]]
## X1 X2 X3 frequency
## 1: shall not be 7
## 2: shall not resist 2
## 3: shall not die 1
## 4: shall not go 1
## 5: shall not return 1
## 6: shall not suffer 1
A more interesting case: there is a quadgram “you shall not go” but only one. As we want top 3 predictions, the model also looks into trigrams and finds six starting with “shall not”, two of which contribute to prediction.
## [[1]]
## [1] "felt" "mentioned" "seen"
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 frequency
## 1: never have i ever felt 1
## [[2]][[2]]
## X1 X2 X3 X4 frequency
## 1: have i ever mentioned 2
## 2: have i ever felt 1
## 3: have i ever seen 1
Similar with the previous one, there is exactly one quintagram that uses the entire provided input - “never have i ever felt”, so the model need to looks for quadgrams starting with “have i ever” to fill in all the needed top 3 predictions.
Now that we’ve seen some original counts, I can remove unneeded information:
Keep only top-3 prediction for each n-1 word combination
Replace frequencies with prediction ranks (factor with levels 1, 2, 3) as we are no longer intersted in the fact that prediction A was observed 1500 times and prediction B 666 times, only that A was more frequent than B.
Pruning: it is often advisable to remove ngrams with counts below a certain minimum. I will try two options and compare them:
- no pruning
- remove all singletons (ngrams observed only once)
ngrams_pruned <- lapply(ngrams, function(x) x[frequency>1])
ngrams_pruned <- lapply(ngrams_pruned, keep3)
ngrams <- lapply(ngrams, keep3)
Just a peek on what the new ngram tables look like, using bigrams as an example:
## X1 X2 rank
## 1: -d mission 1
## 2: -the united 1
## 3: -the thought 2
## 4: -the segments 3
## 5: #believe in 1
## ---
## 59810: zumwalt north 2
## 59811: zumwalt east 3
## 59812: <UNK> and 1
## 59813: <UNK> the 2
## 59814: <UNK> of 3
## X1 X2 rank
## 1: #believe in 1
## 2: #brewers need 1
## 3: #brewers game 2
## 4: #caps have 1
## 5: #caps fans 2
## ---
## 41556: zumwalt north 2
## 41557: zumwalt east 3
## 41558: <UNK> and 1
## 41559: <UNK> the 2
## 41560: <UNK> of 3
Not pruned bigrams have now have 59814
rows, that is, almost exactly 3 predictions for each starter word. Pruned ones have only 41560
The usual update on model size:
MB <- round(object.size(ngrams)/2^20)
MB_pruned <- round(object.size(ngrams_pruned)/2^20)
count <- round(sum(sapply(ngrams, nrow))/10^6,1)
count_pruned <- round(sum(sapply(ngrams_pruned, nrow))/10^6,1)
MB in memory and contains 9.3
million ngrams32
MB in memory and contains 0.3
million ngrams.How good is my toy model? If I had a probability distribution, I could calculate perplexity but for my model it will not work. So I am left with good old accuracy: in what % of the cases does the model predict the next word correctly?
Luckily previous generations of data scientists left a convenient benchmark framework that will run my prediction function for a set of test data and return the score. You can see both benchmark code and test data in its github repo, the password for the archive is “capstone4” (without quotes).
The benchmarking may take up to half an hour so the calls are commented, but I saved the results and you can see them below.
# benchmark(combined_predict, model=ngrams_pruned, dict=dict20, sent.list = list('tweets' = tweets, 'blogs' = blogs), ext.output = FALSE)
# benchmark(combined_predict, model=ngrams, dict=dict20, sent.list = list('tweets' = tweets, 'blogs' = blogs), ext.output = FALSE)
bench_results <- read.csv("benchmark_comparison.csv")
bench_results[1:4, c(1,4,5)]
## Algorithm Top.3.accuracy Avg.runtime..msec.
## 1 Baseline 8.11% 0.07
## 2 Unpruned toy model 18.11% 30.94
## 3 Pruned toy model 19.71% 30.88
## 4 Best results from forum 21.75% 25.29
A sidenote on how the benchmark works: it actually provides three metrics:
The author calls last two metrics “precision” but it is in fact accuracy, judging by how it is calculated in the code. As it is always useful to have just one real number metric to compare different algorithms, I chose Top-3 accuracy. The rationale is that the goal is to save user’s keystrokes, and as long as we can display the desired next word within 3 options to tap, we have a happy user.
Now that I have a working toy model and the understanding that it does not lag too much behind its peers, it is time to build a fully functional one using the entire data set. The process will be very similar one for the toy model, except that I will have to process data in batches because the entire data set up to hexagrams will not fit into memory.
Batch processing of the entire data set took a few hours on my laptop with 16 GB RAM and it was an interactive process of trial and error. Here I will just load my saved model, but the basic idea was to
Split data into batches
a. For 1-4-grams the 3 sources (Twitter, news and blogs) can each be considered a single batch
b. For 5-6-grams, even that is too much, so I took a half of each source
For each batch, calculate all ngrams separately and save to disk
Iteratively load, rbind and recalculate frequencies between several batches for each value of n separately
Keep only top-3 predictions
rm(ngrams, ngrams_pruned, dict20)
MB <- round(object.size(model20)/(2^20))
count <- round(sum(sapply(model20, nrow))/10^6, 1)
Final model takes 219
MB in memory and contains 9.5
million different ngrams.
Just for fun, let’s make the same predictions we did on toy model, using the full model, and see if there is any difference.
p[[1]] <- combined_predict("Don't", model20, dict20, verbose=TRUE)
p[[2]] <- combined_predict("Bill loves", model20, dict20, verbose=TRUE)
p[[3]] <- combined_predict("You shall not", model20, dict20, verbose=TRUE)
p[[4]] <- combined_predict("Never have I ever", model20, dict20, verbose=TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] "know" "have" "want"
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## X1 X2 rank
## 1: don't know 1
## 2: don't have 2
## 3: don't want 3
## [[2]][[2]]
## X1 rank
## 1: the 1
## 2: to 2
## 3: and 3
Same as toy model.
## [[1]]
## [1] "to" "you" "me"
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## X1 X2 rank
## 1: loves to 1
## 2: loves you 2
## 3: loves me 3
## [[2]][[2]]
## X1 rank
## 1: the 1
## 2: to 2
## 3: and 3
Same as toy model.
## [[1]]
## [1] "pass" "be" "escape"
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## X1 X2 X3 X4 rank
## 1: you shall not pass 1
## 2: you shall not be 2
## 3: you shall not escape 3
Ah finally! The famous “you shall not pass” is here and on the top row!
## [[1]]
## [1] "mentioned" "told" "been"
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## X1 X2 X3 X4 rank
## 1: have i ever mentioned 1
## 2: have i ever told 2
## 3: have i ever been 3
Now all the predictions come from quadgrams, while toy model also took into the account a quintagram “never have i ever felt”. However, it was observed only once, so it must have been pruned out.
Now I can show the full comparison of different models. Before building this final one, I tried making one with 50k words dictionary and no pruning (that also used 4 GB of RAM), I list it here too for reference.
## Algorithm Top.3.accuracy Avg.runtime..msec.
## 1 Baseline 8.11% 0.07
## 2 Unpruned toy model 18.11% 30.94
## 3 Pruned toy model 19.71% 30.88
## 4 Best results from forum 21.75% 25.29
## 5 Unpruned 50k dict full data 21.31% 24.65
## 6 Pruned 20k dict full data 22.80% 22.23
Results are clear:
For better picture, it could be useful to try pruning the 50k model but it looks good enough as it is.
Creating a fully functional mobile keyboard is far out of scope of this project, but what I did build is a simple proof-of-concept web app with UI where you can type any text and it will provide 3 options for next word along with the original ngrams this predictions come from. It is available here:
Try typing any text and see what it suggests! If you open it from mobile, you can compare my predictions with the ones your favourite mobile keyboard provides.
How can this model be improved? One obvious way is to collect more data. However, a more modern approach would be to use a recurrent neural network (RNN), or more specifically, Coupled Input-Forget Gates (CIFG) variation. In this article, the authors compare ngram baseline model with server-trained CIFG and with federated CIFG (one trained on a user’s device using their own data). They list following top-3 accuracies (that they refer to as “recall” which is the same in this particular case):
So while my model is on par or even a bit better than their baseline ngram (22.8% vs 21.1%), it is lagging behind RNN big time. The logical improvement path would be to switch to using RNN as well.
createSample <- function(infile, outfile, lines=50000, block=100){
# Creates a smaller sample file based on a large input file
# by reading random blocks of lines from the input
# Arguments:
# infile, outfile - names of input and output files
# lines - number of lines in the resulting file
# block - size of a block to be read from infile
in.con <- file(infile, 'r')
file.length <- length(readLines(in.con))
in.con <- file(infile, 'r')
out.con <- file(outfile, 'w')
in.blocks <- as.integer(file.length/block)
out.blocks <- as.integer(lines/block)
keep.blocks <- sort(sample(1:in.blocks, out.blocks))
i_prev <- 1
for(i in keep.blocks) {
tmp <- scan(in.con, what='character', nmax=block, skip = block*(i-i_prev), sep='\n')
write(tmp, out.con, append=TRUE, sep='\n')
i_prev <- i
files2sentences <- function(filenames) {
# input: vector of file names
# output: quanteda corpus reshaped to sentences
texts <- sapply(filenames, readLines, skipNul = TRUE)
texts <- sapply(texts, enc2utf8)
texts <- unname(unlist(texts))
my_corpus <- corpus(texts)
corpus_reshape(my_corpus, to="sentences")
str2tokens <- function(string, res='tokens', dict) {
# converts a string into tokens
# res=tokens returns tokens for further processing
# res=vector returns a character vector to make predictions upon
stopifnot(res %in% c('tokens', 'vector'))
my_tokens <- tokens(
what = "word",
remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE,
remove_numbers = TRUE,
remove_url = TRUE,
remove_separators = TRUE,
split_hyphens = FALSE,
include_docvars = FALSE,
padding = FALSE
# keep only tokens that contain at least one letter
my_tokens <- tokens_select(
valuetype = "regex",
selection = "keep",
case_insensitive = TRUE)
# remove tokens that contain weird characters,
# i.e. anything but letters, digits and #'.-’ signs
my_tokens <- tokens_select(
valuetype = "regex",
selection = "remove",
case_insensitive = TRUE)
if(res=='tokens') return(my_tokens)
res <- tolower(my_tokens[[1]])
res[! res %in% dict] <- '<UNK>'
nFreq <- function(n, my_tokens) {
# function to create n-gram frequency table
my_ngrams <- tokens_ngrams(my_tokens, n, concatenator = " ")
my_ngrams <- dfm(my_ngrams)
my_ngrams <- textstat_frequency(my_ngrams)
combined_predict <- function(starter, model, dict, verbose=FALSE) {
# starter - any string
# model - list of ngram data.tables, with either frequency or rank as last column
# dict - character vector with dictionary
# verbose - whether to include path into output
max_n <- length(model)
starter <- str2tokens(starter, "vector", dict)
# for empty starter, predict the unigrams
if(length(starter)==0) {
if(verbose) {
return(list(as.character(model[[1]]$X1), model[[1]]))
} else return(as.character(model[[1]]$X1))
# take only max_n-1 last words for prediction
if (length(starter)>max_n-1) starter <- starter[(length(starter)-max_n+2):length(starter)]
res <- vector(mode='character')
path <- list()
while(length(unique(res))<3) {
n <- length(starter)+1
cond <- my_cond(starter)
curr <- model[[n]][eval(cond)]
if(![[n+1]])) { # if something was found at current n
if(colnames(curr)[n+1]=='rank') {
# rank models are already sorted
res <- c(res, as.character(curr[[n]]))
path[[n]] <- curr
} else if(colnames(curr)[n+1]=='frequency') {
# frequency models need to be sorted by desc frequency
res <- c(res, as.character(curr[order(-frequency)][[n]]))
path[[n]] <- curr[order(-frequency)]
} else stop("Predict error: last column is neither rank nor frequency")
starter <- starter[2:(n-1)]
list(unique(res)[1:3], rev(path[!sapply(path, is.null)]))
else unique(res)[1:3]
keep3 <- function(ngrams) {
# keeps top-3 prediction for each starter, replacing frequencies
# with a 1-2-3 factor rank
# set keys to everything except Xn, which equals
# X1, X2..Xn-1, frequency
n <- ncol(ngrams)-1
setkeyv(ngrams, cols = colnames(ngrams)[-n])
# keep top 3 predictions (which are at the bottom)
# for each starter = X1..Xi-1 combination
ngrams <- ngrams[
by=eval(if(n>1) colnames(ngrams)[1:(n-1)] else NULL)
# add rank column, largest count = rank 1
by=eval(if(n>1) colnames(ngrams)[1:(n-1)] else NULL)
ngrams$rank <- as.factor(ngrams$rank)
ngrams$frequency <- NULL
# set new keys: starter + rank
setkeyv(ngrams, colnames(ngrams)[-n])