Sadness of men 恼煞人
Again the sun’s red wheel rolls to the West
夫問妻曰:「此物還是長的好,短的好?」 妻實喜長,而故應之曰:「短的好。」 夫曰:「這等我的太長,不如截去一段。」 持刀便砍。 妻發急,止之曰:「雖則長了些,卻是父母生就的遺體, 一毫也動不得。」
The husband asked his wife: do you prefer it long or short? The wife, despite liking it long, answered: short! The husband said, why, mine is a bit too long, need to cut off a little! He took a knife and was about to cut off the extra part. The wife stopped him hastily and said, even if it's too long, you got it from your parents! don't dare touching a single bit!
Муж спросил жену: "тебе нравится покороче или подлиннее?" Жена хоть и любила подлиннее, но нарочно ответила: "покороче!" Муж сказал: "моя-то слишком длинная, надо бы укоротить". Взял нож, чтоб немедленно отрезать. Жена поспешно остановила его и сказала: "Хотя бы и длинновата, а все же от папы и мамы досталось, ни волоска не тронь!"
Again the sun’s red wheel rolls to the West
Once Zhuan Deru went to the outhouse and saw a devil
The husband asked his wife: do you prefer it long or short?
The road keeps climbing to mountains, rocky and cold
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